Jack Tomaszewski

Full-stack Web Developer

Self-motivated software developer with over twelve years of professional experience in coding, launching and teaching others.

Busy until March 2019.
Willing to relocate to: USA, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Kraków, Spain, or can work remotely.


9/2017 - 6/2018

Full-stack Developer

A SaaS platform serving as an ATS that helps recruiters to manage their job offers and candidates.

  • Leaded and coordinated the front-end team to move their existing front-end application stack to Angular 2, TypeScript and Webpack with an architecture based on RxJS and Redux.
  • Helped to migrate the back-end structure (written in Elixir language and Phoenix framework) from a monolithic structure into separate umbrella applications with an event-driven architecture.
  • Developed and released a cross-platform mobile application in Ionic Framework for both Android and iOS platforms.
1/2016 - 8/2017

CTO and Lead Full-stack Developer

Built and maintained a web platform, that allows to book and sell local tours and tourist attractions all over the world.

  • Created international marketplace (in Ruby on Rails) allowing end-customers to browse tourist tours and attractions, see their schedule and prices, and book them online via Tripsomnia or custom Partner's and Agent's branding.
  • Created a huge single page application for Partners (in React and Redux) to manage their offers, schedules, prices, orders, customers and agents' network.
  • Implemented custom JS widgets, that Partners can put in order to advertise and sell their tours directly on their own website.
  • Helped to raise an investment from outside VCs.
1/2014 - 12/2015

Lead Web & Mobile Developer

Built and maintained a social platform, that lets users easily find the best music fests, organize their trip and personalize their festival experience.

  • Created a responsive front-end web app in Ruby on Rails and AngularJS with multiple user access levels.
  • Created a cross-platform mobile app in Ionic Framework for Android and iOS.
  • Developed unit and end-to-end tests for both front-end and back-end code of the web and mobile app.
  • Wrote automatic synchronizations with remote APIs, that e.g. parse user's friendships, favourite music artists and festivals from multiple services like Facebook, LastFM, Spotify.
  • Developed a full-text search using Elasticsearch, with various filters and a custom suggestion system based on the user's own personal music taste.
  • Maintained automatic horizontal scaling of the web servers' infrastracture using Chef.
8/2005 - 1/2016

Full-stack Web Developer

Self-driven web development for remote clients.

  • Created and launched multiple web applications, participating in the whole process of their development: devops, hosting, front-end and back-end programming, UI/UX design, maintenance and project management. (see jtom.me/portfolio)
  • Mentored several developers and teams.
  • Cofounded Ng-poznan, Poznan's AngularJS meetup group; co-organized several other tech meetups and conferences (e.g. PolyConf, Meet.js Summit); and often served as a speaker sharing tech knowledge. (see jtom.me/talks)


Poznan University of Technology
2012 - 2016
BSc in Computer Science
  • Served as a president of AKAI, a students' research circle focused on organizing workshops and lectures about web development.
  • Co-created the new main public website of Poznań University of Technology.

Other perks

  • Long time member of an english-speaking Toastmasters club, which focuses on development of public speaking and personal skills.
  • Scored a 3rd laurate place in IV Polish Informatics Olympiad of middle school students, which involved solving a lot of algorithms problems in a short amount of time.
  • Received "The Best Graduate" award upon graduating the high school, thanks to multiple achievements in mathematics, informatics and politics school contests.
  • I speak native Polish, fluent English, conversational Spanish and basic Russian.
  • Danced ballroom for a couple of years and willing to continue it. Also a frequent tennis player.