Skills & offer

I am a full-stack web developer with over twelve years of experience.

I have maintained, developed and launched multiple projects from scratch, carrying the development of its' back-end and front-end codebases.

My current toolset includes Elixir Lang & Phoenix Framework, Ruby & Ruby on Rails, React, Redux, Angular, TypeScript, Docker and all the other various frameworks, libraries and technologies related to them.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I can help you in your project in all from the UI mockups, back-end and front-end web development to fixing the design and installing & configuration of the application on staging/production enviroments.

Call me a Swiss Army Knife in terms of web development.

Front-end Web development

I specialise in applications written in React and Angular. Recently I became also a huge fan of one-way data flow and Redux-like architecture and also typed languages, e.g. TypeScript.

My current experience and skills in front-end include:

  • lead TypeScript/JavaScript development: bootstraping or refactoring an existing app architecture, by improving its' extensibility and reliability;
  • full integration of front-end development using tools like Webpack with features like automatic code reload, code minifications, multiple environments support,
  • good sense of design and UX, by having some small past experience in graphic design
  • knowledge and huge experience in many JS ecosystem, by using many libraries like React, Redux, Redux-Observable, RxJS, Angular, Ionic Framework, Backbone, jQuery, Lodash/Underscore and whatever else was needed.
single page applications done completely in Angular or React
talks given about front-end development
co-founded ng-poznan, Poznań’s Angular meetup group

Back-end Web development

In back-end development, my current stack involves Elixir and Phoenix Framework, and alternatively Ruby on Rails or NodeJS.

Nearly every app I have done in the past had the back-end written also by me. In order to improve the development speed, performance and reliability, I have changed languages and frameworks already multiple times, from PHP to Ruby and now to Elixir.

Luckily, my experience and lessons I learned while doing all those apps, will stay with me and be useful forever, no matter what framework I will use in the next project.

What I can do is:

  • lead development of web apps in Elixir/Ruby
  • cooperation with APIs, remote data synchronizations, cloud servers, asynchronous workers
  • using different types of databases (like PostgreSQL, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Redis)
  • dividing the servers into different machine nodes / docker containers; database sharding; load balancing
  • refactoring existing applications, by improving code readibility, separating concerns into separate functions and classes, splitting out the business logic from app's views and controllers (DDD), and moving the app architecture into more event-based one
  • writing unit and e2e tests

What about dev-ops, design, UI ?

During my time I have created and released tens of websites.

Thus, not only I have coded their back-end and front-end code, but often I also had to care about other things needed in a successful web application:

  • good planning of UI and thinking how it affects the UX;
  • consistency in design and typography;
  • search engine optimization;
  • deployment to the server (e.g. using Docker, Ansible or Chef) and monitor its’ processes to avoid downtimes.

If your initial thought is that I just can’t be the best one in everything, it's okay. Just send the UI & design job to someone else, and I can take care of all the code development.

Of course I do not always work alone. If you already have an existing team for your project, but still need someone to help it, contact me. I’ll fit into your needs.